Board Members

Nisha Modi
Responsible for technology, media and communication and overall function of the club

Ranjiv Puri
Vice President
Responsible for coordinating the efforts of the entire team for development of the Armadale Older Adults Club.

Advisory commitee

Amanda Collucci
Ward6 councilor- markham
Amanda Yeung Collucci has been serving city of Markham for over 10 years. As a successful entrepreneur with IT Background she decided to serve the community in 2014.

Isa Lee
Councillor Ward 8 (city of markham)
Isa Lee is a City of Markham Councillor, a mother, community builder, an experienced news anchor, and also a passionate cultural ambassador. She was formerly the Executive Director of the Toronto Cross-Cultural Community Services Association, and has more than a decade of work experience in journalism and media.

Anthony Ierulli
manager for recreation services in markham south area
Anthony has been involved in community building for over 30 years working in diverse communities in a number of profit & not for profit and charitable organizations. He is currently the South Area Manager providing support to Milliken on the Move (MOTM) and the Armadale Older Adults Club (AOAC).
Juanita Nathan
Councillor Ward 7 (city of markham)
Juanita Nathan is a City of Markham Councilor, a Community Champion who believe in Safe &Inclusive community. Accessible Recreational programs and city services.